Event News: Hamilton Ink Spot’s gallery hosts monthly poster exhibitions: ARTCRANK in June, “Hybrids” in July
Posted on May 25th, 2015 by heatherwestpr
Hamilton Ink Spot, Saint Paul’s premier printmaking resource and gallery, presents thematic monthly exhibitions. ARTCRANK™ bicycle-inspired posters will be on display June 12-27. Accommodating this special exhibit, the previously scheduled “Hybrids,” poster designs by pseudo-manitou and Erik Johnson with Mike Lizama, will move to July with an opening reception on July 9.
Hosts and master printers, Bill Moran and Monica Edwards Larson, oversee Ink Spot’s initiatives and its 2,200-square-foot location at 375 N. Wabasha Street. “These special events and exhibitions are drawing in hundreds of people from all backgrounds – those who have been long-time fans of Twin Cities’ design and letterpress, those who appreciate the featured themes, and those who are curious enough to stop inside and learn more,” says Moran.
June 12-27, ARTCRANK
Last year, more than 30,000 people attended ARTCRANK’s live events featuring bicycle-inspired posters created by local artists. Ink Spot’s gallery will feature hand-made, original poster designs by more than 50 Twin Cities artists sharing what bikes and cycling means in their lives.July 9-31, Hybrids; Opening reception, July 9, 6-8 p.m.
Artists pseudo-manitou and Erik Johnson with Mike Lizama combine familiar animals, artifacts and humans into fantastical hybrid creations. Their bold, graphically stylized images are hand-printed in multiple colors with time-consuming care.
The special events are in addition to Ink Spot’s classes, a drop-in studio for families and individuals, a print cooperative for mid-career artists, internships, a mentorship program for high school-age artists, and exhibitions of local, regional and national printmaking artists.Making printmaking an accessible art form, Hamilton Ink Spot creates access for artists and others of all skill levels and backgrounds, enriches the public’s connection with direct arts experiences, and contributes to the community’s cultural vitality. The Saint Paul storefront offers Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum’s merchandise for sale, as well as a co-op space for Twin Cities’ artists to create and exhibit their original posters, cards, and other printed works.
Hamilton Ink Spot is the first venture to which Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum lends its name. Based in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, Hamilton is the only museum dedicated to the preservation, study, production and printing of wood type. With 1.5 million pieces of wood type and more than 1,000 styles and sizes of patterns, Hamilton’s collection is one of the premier wood type collections in the world.
To learn more about Hamilton Ink Spot’s special events, featured guests, co-op memberships, workshops, internships, merchandise and exhibition gallery, please visit online at http://www.hamiltoninkspot.org, https://www.facebook.com/hamiltoninkspot, http://instagram.com/hamiltonwoodtype; or in person Mon.-Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.-5 p.m., at 375 N. Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102.
Filed under: Events